I have been away at Quilt Market in Houston. What fun it was to be back in the action. I missed the last two Markets because of wonderful family events. We had my granddaughter Rowan's birth and my son Adam's college graduation during the last two Markets. Those special events don't happen often!
Now all I have to do is unpack the truck. Why is it always more fun to pack the truck than to unpack. Does it all have to go back where I found it? Sigh...

This was our booth...both the left and the right side.

This is three generations. My mom Dorothy, me and my daughter Ashley. We have way too much fun being together. It's nice traveling with family too because if your tired, goofy or forgetful...they understand. Every night we treated ourselves to a wonderful dinner. We always go to the same restaurants every year. We start dreaming of fresh seafood in Houston as soon as we hit the Texas border.

Me and My Sisters booth is always the cutest booth. That's Mary and Barb, the designers behind their bathing beauty signs. They are always giggling and happy and a lot of fun to be around.

This is a famous duo. Becky Goldsmith and Linda Jenkins of Piece o' Cake Designs. I love their applique quilts. I even got to take a class from Becky last year and learned LOTS!

Heather Bailey's booth. Just beautiful!

A few years ago, I was able to judge the top 10 shops for Better Homes and Gardens American Patchwork and Quilting with Kaye England. Once you have been around this lady she will be one of your favorite designers. She has a personality and wit that is contagious. She is always on the go. I love hearing about her farm and her many animals.

This was at the Better Homes and Gardens American Patchwork and Quilting Booth. I just love the colors and I love how they quilted it.

This is the award winning booth of Minick and Simpson. Hanging on her right is the hooked rug made by Polly Minick which I would also LOVE to make!!!!! I also really like their new quilt that looks like a flag. I enjoy following their blog, too.

This is Sue Spargo beside one of her quilts. Her quilts are AMAZING! I wish this was on my wall.

They have antique quilts for sell. I will take all four of these!

I loved this display. Sometimes I look this bad after long days of sewing!