Pincushions definitely are addicting to me! I like the whimsical cute ones and I have three new ones to show you. Is there a pincushion anonymous out there? Do others collect these things? Do I really have that many pins that need storage? Where will I put my growing collection? I might need a new piece of furniture....which will lead me back to the antique store where these little things live. I might need to buy more. It is a vicious circle!

This last weekend I had a near crying moment! I took my sewing machine in for a tune-up because it was not cooperating with my sewing schedule. I got it back home and started sewing. I looked at my wall hanging that I was getting ready for Quilt Market. It had black sewing machine oil stains in four places. To make a long story short I tried several things. Do you know what finally got it clean? Automotive bug and tar remover. I lost a few brain cells smelling the stuff but my wall hanging is stain free and at Rosie's (my quilter) now. I also tried putting my wall hanging in a plastic bag with baking soda and a dryer sheet. I then sprayed it with Febreze to try to get the lovely solvent smell out it. So if this happens to you...don't go to your laundry room...go to your garage.