I painted my walls a light yellow even though in this photo it looks like a dark yellow. That is all I needed to start collecting yellow quilts. It doesn't take this girl much to start collecting anything. My daughter tells people to NEVER tell me what they collect because I would be adding to their collection. I just love the hunt! The adventure of all those dusty over crowded antique stores...and I am in heaven.

Yesterday I went down to Emporia, Kansas to pick up some more patterns from my printer. I decided to treat myself to Poehler Merchantile Antique on 301 Commercial Street. It is now one of my favorites in Kansas. No thrift store stuff just all antiques. Just the way I like antique stores. I have never allowed myself time to stop before. Wow...have I been missing out. I usually have my printing all shipped but I think I will have to go get it from now on. The next couple of blogs will be about my neat treasures (treasures to me anyway). I always thought it must be fun for the people who work in those stores to see what everyone brings up to the counter. The lady there said that I must have a very interesting house based on what I was bringing up. How should I take that....I love it because I buy what makes me smile. I also design quilts that make me smile. Above is my newest yellow quilt and I am smiling. I would be even happier if I only knew what pattern it was.